Online, Remote, Virtual Therapy
Online/Remote/Virtual Therapy has shown to be equally effective as in person therapy, both in emerging research and from my personal experience and client feedback and recovery results.
However, with online therapy there are more advantages for the client, such as convenient appointments in the comfort of the client's own space, no travelling times, or issues with parking.
Online Therapy became in the time of COVID-19 an option for this way of working and quickly gained popularity with its effectiveness and more therapist choice available for clients.
Therapy at Cognitize will be offered via a secure video link for their sessions.

CBT is used to treat depression, anxiety disorders, & phobias. Research has shown CBT to be very effective at helping people come to terms with negative thoughts emotions…
One of the more exciting developments in treating trauma is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). Originally formulated by Dr Francine Shapiro in 1989…
It is important that sessions are regular, usually at a frequency of once a week, although Intensive EMDR sessions can be organised. Missed or cancelled sessions are chargeable…